Jeesh this semester has FLOWN by. Only one full week before Thanksgiving break, which starts Tuesday after classes are over. Then we only have two weeks left before finals. Unfortunately, this also means that it's the busiest time of the semester, and the time when everyone starts to get antsy. I don't remember Thanksgiving break ever being so close to finals, but that's probably just my imagination. Between my seven classes, I've got a concert (choir), paper, or project due in every single class within the next three weeks, not including finals, and on top of that, I had two due last week... everyone has big projects going on right now and it makes it hard to do quality work in every class. It seems dumb that every teacher does a big paper or project the last month of class. Don't they know that every other teacher is doing the same thing?!
Oh well, that is the bain of college... With finals in sight, it is hard to not get bitten by the procrastination bug, but keeping busy, and keeping a calendar with all my assignments due right next to my laptop, help me keep on top of my assignments.
The only problem with graduating early is that now I also have to do the normal assignments of a full class schedule on top of trying to finish both my senior capstone internship AND my honors senior project... life is hectic, but it will all be worth it in the end.
Til next time~